Parent Education

Virginia Code Sections 16.1-278.15 and 20-103, as amended, require parties in cases where the custody, visitation, or support of a child is contested to show proof that they have recently attended (or soon will attend) an educational seminar conducted by a qualified person or organization approved by the Office of the Executive Secretary (OES). Parties under this section shall include natural or adoptive parents of the child, or any person with a legitimate interest as defined in Section 20-124.1.

These seminars, called “Parent Education Seminars” or “Co-parenting Seminars”, discuss the effects of separation or divorce on children, parenting responsibilities, options for conflict resolution, and financial responsibilities. 

Dispute Resolution Services (OES-DRS) oversees the approval of Parent Education Seminars for courts in Virginia, and ensures their compliance with the governing Virginia Code Sections and best practices described in the Model Parent Education Curriculum Committee as presented in House Document 26 (2000). In addition, OES-DRS manages the online directories of approved Parent Education Providers and provides support to the courts, the public, and seminar providers and instructors regarding Parent Education programs across the Commonwealth.